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12 Jun 2024

Singapore: Fairview Developments fails to respond to reports of a worksite accident on a worksite where a lorry was not installed with a stability control system

In May 2024, a Bangladeshi construction worker was injured and hospitalised following a worksite accident. The report in The Straits Times describes that a lorry crane involved in the incident was not installed with a stability control system, part of a general safety measure that can be used to ensure a safe ground surface. Fairview Developments was the reported developer, while the work site was occupied by Kimly Construction.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Fairview Developments and its parent company Tong Eng Engineering to outline how it ensures safety standards for workers are upheld on its projects and by contractors, including Kimly Construction. The company declined to respond.

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Tong Eng

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Fairview Developments

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