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26 Fev 2021

Emma Rumney, Reuters

So. Africa: Uber drivers to file class-action lawsuit to seek labour rights

"SA’s Uber drivers working with UK lawyers for overtime and holiday pay", 23 Feb 2021

A group of Uber drivers in SA will head to court to seek rights including compensation for unpaid overtime and holiday pay, their lawyers said on Tuesday, hoping for a similar victory to that of British drivers this month.

In both the UK and SA, Uber drivers are treated as self-employed, affording them only minimal protections in law...

While businesses say the gig economy offers flexibility for workers, trade unions among others say it is exploitative...

The SA case could affect up to 20,000 drivers, British law firm Leigh Day and Johannesburg-based peer Mbuyisa Moleele Attorneys said. They did not specify when the case would be filed.

“We hope this class action in SA will enable SA Uber drivers to access those same rights,” he [Richard Meeran of law firm Leigh Day] said.

Uber did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment...

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