Statement by 9 business organisations to govts. on development of Natl. Action Plans
"Business Organisations Statement on National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights," 16 Nov 2016
On Wednesday 16th November, a statement on National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights was issued by 9 business organisations at the UN Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva. The statement was delivered during a session on ‘National action plans to implement the UN Guiding Principles: stepping up Government commitments and action’ and was supported by BSR, FTA, GBI, ICCWBO, ICMM, IOE, UN Global Compact, USCIB and WBCSD.
Access the full statement here.
- ...Business supports the UN Framework and Guiding Principles and wishes to see States implement the State Duty to Protect human rights…
- States should see NAPs as the opportunity to exercise leadership to build genuine commitment and capacity to achieve tangible progress in standards, business behaviour and change for rights-holders…
- States should engage with the business community to learn from their experiences in dealing with human rights commitments…
- States should use the NAPs as an opportunity for collective action…