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29 Mar 2022

Pax / UnpaidDebt

Swedish Prosecutor requests court to proceed with trial against Lundin Energy over war crimes allegations in Sudan due to poor health of witnesses

"Prosecutor requests the Court to prepare the trial against Lundin Energy", 23 Mar 2022

Prosecutor Henrik Attorps urged the court to proceed with the trial against the Lundin defendants after a recent request by Alex Schneiter halted the proceedings...key witnesses may eventually not be able to testify in Court due to illness and old age. This [comes]...as an expert witness has already been heard outside of the main proceedings because of poor health.

In November 2021, Ian Lundin and Alex Schneiter were formally indicted for aiding and abetting war crimes after a decade long investigation...

What is halting the process is Alex Schneiter’s latest request to dismiss the indictment against him...

...[T]he defence is delaying the proceedings time and time again after having claimed that their rights to a fair trial within a reasonable time had been infringed...

[One] witness [interviewed promptly due to serious illness] was present in Lundin’s area of operation during the time the war crimes were committed and interviewed many people. In her police interview, she testified that the conflict escalated because of the activities of Lundin Oil, and that the violence spread to formerly peaceful areas...

The witness also stated that Lundins’ community development and humanitarian assistance did not do much good. On the contrary [they were allegedly used to harm]...

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