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25 Mar 2022


Swedwatch & partner organisations urge Aker BP to alter terms of Lundin Energy acquisition

"Aker BP needs to alter the terms of the Lundin Energy acquisition", 25 March 2022

Together with more than 20 other organizations, amongst them South Sudan Council of Churches, Assistance Mission for Africa (AMA South Sudan), Liech Victims Voices (South Sudan), Amnesty International in Sweden and Norway, Act Church of Sweden and PAX (Netherlands), Swedwatch has today sent an open letter to the Norwegian Oil company Aker BP, raising concerns about potential liabilities arising from the announced sale of assets by Lundin Energy to Aker BP.

In the letter, the organizations ask for the terms of the deal to be altered and state that it would be appropriate for Aker BP and Aker ASA to: 

  • conduct an adequate human rights due diligence for the acquisition,
  • express support for the right to remedy of victims of adverse impacts in South Sudan that can be directly linked to Lundin Energy’s activities, and
  • ensure that after the acquisition, Lundin Energy will retain and allocate sufficient financial means for the fulfilment of its human rights obligations.

Read more here (in Swedish)

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