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Resposta da empresa

17 Jan 2018

Tahoe Resources

Tahoe Resources response

“MSR condemns any threats or violent actions against communities, citizens and human rights advocates” 16 of January 2018

…We have…heard Mr. Ronal David Barillas Díaz was a well-known activist on matters in the departments of Escuintla, Santa Rosa and Jutiapa but not in relation with mining industry. MSR condemns all forms of violence, threats to human wellbeing, or intimidation in the strongest possible terms and we call for a thorough and independent investigation of any acts of violence within and amongst the communities of the Department of Santa Rosa and beyond. As an open, transparent and law abiding Company, we will cooperate with authorities as requested. We are committed to the search for truth, strengthening the rule of law, and the fight against impunity in Guatemala…We recognize human rights activists are particularly vulnerable to violence and persecution. We denounce any attempts by others to threaten, frighten, or attack members of community activism groups or human rights organizations… We work with all stakeholders to peacefully and respectfully address any concerns. To that end, we invite all stakeholders to communicate their concerns, questions, and suggestions regarding the operations of MSR…

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