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2 Out 2023

Isatou Ndure, Just Style (United Kingdom)

UK: Leicester garment workers again call out brands, demanding secure jobs and fair wages

Shutterstock (purchased)

"Leicester garment workers call out fashion brands again for unstable jobs, wages", October 2 2023

Leicester garment workers took part in what is being deemed a “successful” rally urging fashion brands to take immediate action to support the UK’s garment manufacturing industry during the cost of living crisis.

The workers claim fashion brands are increasingly demanding price reductions, even on orders of clothing that have already been produced and delivered, making it difficult for businesses to remain viable.

As a result, garment workers in Leicester say they are experiencing significant reductions in working hours and factory closures, adding further strain to already rising cost of living.

The workers want a commitment from brands to place orders with local suppliers that ensure decent wages and adhere to acceptable labour standards, with these provisions safeguarded within the contract price. Workers are also urging fashion brands to make a long-term commitment to sourcing from Leicester.


... “Garment workers will not be silent – and we will make brands and decision makers listen.”

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