USA: 2018 report on state of human rights details violations of labour rights, access to water & free, prior & informed consent
In the United States this year...we have seen undeniable, egregious, and unapologetic violations of human rights... Illegal and immoral attempts to encroach on American Indian lands, territories, and the resources of Indigenous Peoples have always been, and continue to constitute a grave violation of human rights. Non-tribal governments and corporations with interests in tribal lands have not slowed such attacks in recent years, but [representatives and members of Indigenous Peoples’ governments] and communities throughout the United States have rallied new resistance. Some, like the Standing Rock Sioux in North Dakota, are [legally] challenging corporate incursions on their treaty lands and water... Water shut-offs and water privatization also severely impact the right to water... The growth of and privatization of prisons and jails has led to worsening conditions for people living there, including overcrowding, limited access to healthcare services, and unsanitary and inhumane conditions.
The United States must:
- End the criminalization of protests against environmental human rights violations...
- Protect the human rights of workers engaging in cleanup efforts in aftermath of natural disasters...
- Implement legislation to penalize companies that tolerate persistent harassment, and to discourage the use of nondisclosure agreements to silence victims...
- Pay prison laborers decent wages...
- Stop surveilling human rights defenders... [and]
- Require democratic participation to ensure AI is not exacerbating inequality and obstructing human agency.
[also refers to Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Bayer, Ben & Jerry's, Facebook, McDonald's, Microsoft, Monsanto, Taco Bell, Unilever, Walmart, Whole Foods, YUM!]