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17 Ago 2017


USA: President Trump disbands business councils as top executives of 3M, Campbell Soup, Johnson & Johnson & United Technologies resign

"Business councils disband over Trump remarks." 

President Trump has said he is scrapping two business councils after more bosses quit over his handling of violent clashes in Virginia...His announcement on Twitter came as the heads of 3M, Campbell Soup, Johnson & Johnson, and United Technologies announced their resignations on Wednesday... Mr Trump said: "Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both."...JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon... [said] he strongly disagreed with Mr Trump's recent statements [and that]..."constructive economic and regulatory policies are not enough and will not matter if we do not address the divisions in our country. It is a leader's role, in business or government, to bring people together, not tear them apart."

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