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7 Dez 2023

Business Standard

USA: Starbucks loses $11 billion in market value amid ongoing boycott calls after lawsuit against union over tweet expressing solidarity with Palestine

"Starbucks loses $11 billion market value due to poor sales, boycotts", 7 December 2023

Global political tensions are spilling fast into...Starbucks Corporation, as the company has lost approximately 11 billion dollars in value, erasing 9.4 per cent of the company's total value.

Within a span of 19 calendar-days...shares of Starbucks have plummeted 8.96 per cent, which equates to a nearly USD11 billion loss, amid analysts' reports of slowing sales and a subdued response to the holiday season's offerings.

The boycotts...have deep roots...after the company found itself in hot water following a tweet from Starbucks Workers United, the union representing many of its baristas, expressing solidarity with Palestinians.

Amid an ongoing boycott due to the Israeli occupation's aggression against the Gaza strip, the undercurrent of discontent signals a challenging brew for the company's future, an industry analyst said...

The company has denied wrongdoing in the scenarios but faces the challenge of maintaining its brand reputation amid divisive global issues.

In a recent call with analysts, Starbucks CEO Laxman Narasimhan said he remains optimistic about the company's diversified channels and ability to engage customers despite macroeconomic challenges and changing consumer behaviours...

Part of the following timelines

USA: Starbucks accused of ‘anti-union’ campaign following union drive across stores; incl. company comments

Israel/OPT: War on Gaza sees escalating global boycott efforts targeting companies linked to Israel