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25 Июл 2024

Myanmar: NGOs urge TASAKI to disclose measures taken since attempted coup such as human rights due diligence; incl. company non-responses

Mekong Watch and Justice For Myanmar have sent letters dated June 11, 2024 to TASAKI and its potential investors FountainVest Partners and Unison Capital, raising concerns over TASAKI’s continuing partnership with Myanmar Pearl Enterprise (MPE).

The Myanmar military continues to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity with total impunity, relying on revenue from MPE and other junta-controlled entities. The military junta benefits from revenues generated through the pearl industry.

The two organisations urged TASAKI to responsibly end all business with MPE and publicly disclose its human rights due diligence process and transactions with MPE. TASAKI did not disclose any information by the requested deadline.

The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited TASAKI, FountainVest Partners and Unison Capital to respond to the article. They did not respond.

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Unison Capital

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