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Судебный иск (SLAPP)

1 Ноя 2020

Camilla Jonsson- Realtid


Date lawsuit was filed
1 Ноя 2020
Точность даты
Год и месяц правильные
Camilla Jonsson- Realtid
Пресса; средства массовой информации
Судебные иски: SLAPP
Правовые требования: Диффамация
Иск подан: Company
Цель: Физическое лицо
Место подачи иска: Великобритания
Место происшествия: Швеция
Eco Energy World (EEW) Великобритания Солнечная энергия, Энергия Ответ компании


The Swedish business and finance publication, Realtid, has been sued by Mr. Svante Kumlin and his group of companies Eco Energy World (EEW), for eight articles they published in 2020. Realtid had been investigating EEW ahead of an impending stock market launch in Norway, a matter of clear public interest. Before publication, the journalists contacted Kumlin and EEW to request an interview and reply, but neither were provided. In November 2020, Kumlin and EEW filed a lawsuit at the High Court in London accusing Camilla Jonsson, editor-in-chief of Realtid, and two reporters, Per Agerman and Annelie Östlund, of defamation for publishing false information and breaching a non-disclosure agreement by sharing what the lawyers claim to be confidential information.