A German discount clothing retailer has agreed to pay more than $1.2 million compensation for victims of a Pakistan factory fire…The September blaze at the Ali Enterprises factory in Karachi…killed 289 workers and injured 110 more…German news magazine Der Spiegel reported…that the Kik chain, which the factory supplied with jeans, had agreed to pay a total of $500,000 compensation—less than $2,000 for every life lost. Kik later confirmed to AFP the “immediate” availability of half a million dollars to the families of victims, rising to $1 million. But Nasir Mansoor, head of the National Trade Union Federation (NTUF), a local union for Pakistani factory workers, said his organization and the Clean Clothes Campaign…had forced Kik to up the compensation. “We did not agree with the compensation they had announced. We warned them that we would seek for international justice if they did not share responsibility and deservedly compensated the families,” Mansoor told AFP.