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4 Ноя 2016

Jennifer L. Morgan, Greenpeace International, in Huffington Post (USA)

Greenpeace director calls for rapid transition to clean energy to meet Paris climate goals

"The inevitable transformation - why swift action is needed to stay below 1.5," 3 Nov 2016

Last year, 197 countries adopted the historic Paris Agreement on climate change. Today…it comes into force, in one of the fastest ratifications of any international agreement…People from different walks of life and from different sectors and industries are ready to work together to tip the balance even further in the right direction…But time is not on our side and the pace of the inevitable must be accelerated immediately. Although the political and economic climate is moving against fossil fuels, the impacts of decades of carbon dioxide release from the burning of fossil fuels is rapidly taking its toll on the natural climate…The priority in our action must be in the…coming 5 to 15 years - to scale up renewable energy and energy efficiency, reduce deforestation and provide sustainable mobility options for people around the world...Those countries most at risk are the ones who have done the least to contribute to the crisis. That is why a just transition must be part of future negotiations…

[Also refers to Allianz, Axa, BNDS, ExxonMobil, and Norwegian Wealth Fund.]

Part of the following timelines

Paris climate agreement enters into force - UNFCCC, NGOs & journalists discuss next steps

Latest news on COP22 climate discussions