Myanmar: Workers at Shuangxi Myanmar factory reported denial of leaves, mandatory overtime, excessive production targets and denial of permanent contracts
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Date Reported: 28 Апр 2023
Местонахождение: Мьянмы
JAKO - Former buyer , Shuangxi (Myanmar) Garment - SupplierЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: 600
Рабочие: ( 600 - Location unknown , Одежда и текстиль , Gender not reported )Темы
Отказ в отпуске , Обязательная сверхурочная работа , Чрезмерные производственные планы , Харассмент (помимо сексуального) , Гендерная дискриминация , Кража зарплаты , Отказ в постоянных контрактах , Запугивание и угрозыОтвет
Response sought: Yes, by BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Принятые меры: Shuangxi Myanmar allegedly supplies to JAKO; JAKO provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre. In September 2024, JAKO stated it had withdrawn production from Myanmar and no longer sources from the factory.
Вид источника: News outlet
"Workers demand that daily laborers be employed permanently and that their rights are not violated"
... At the Shuangxi Myanmar factory, supplying the international brand JAKO, workers demand that the employer hire daily wage workers passing 3 months of probation as permanent employees. The workers of the factory said that they would like to request that there be no rights violations in the workplace...
The business has more than 20 daily wage laborers who have completed 3 months of service, and they want to be appointed as salaried employees, the workers said.
It is reported that there are more than 600 workers in the workplace and there is no trade union.
The worker said that there are violations of workers' rights in the current workplace, and demanding high standards. Supervisors in the workplace speak rudely if targets are not met, and also prohibit workers from talking to each other during working hours, the worker said.
There are very high production targets that workers cannot meet. If the product is pants, the target is 40 pieces even though it's difficult to sew.
The workers said that if such targets were not met, the supervisors threatened to cancel the line...
They don't allow the workers to return home for Thingyan (national holidays)...
If you ask for time off due to an important matter, the supervisor will not grant you, and if you are 5 minutes late to work, your salary and benefits will be cut proportionally...