NGOs petition European Commission president to participate in UN binding treaty negotiations
“Stop corporate abuse: we need rights for people and rules for business”, 13 Sep 2016
I am very concerned about the absence of the EU and its member states from the negotiations on a UN Treaty on TNCs and other business enterprises with respect to human rights…People across the world who are suffering in the face of reckless transnational corporations will finally have the opportunity to hold them to account. I am ashamed that the EU is undermining this important process by refusing to take part in discussions. I am joining citizens from across Europe to demand that our governments formally support the UN treaty process and do so through participating in good faith in the discussions…The treaty must introduce enforceable legislation to prevent human rights violations and stop the impunity of corporate actors for those abuses, and require them to redress adverse human rights abuses wherever they operate…The treaty must allow people who have a claim against a business to access justice, not only in their own home states, but in all other states that have jurisdiction over the concerned business…The treaty must contain provisions requiring states to respect, protect and facilitate human rights and access to justice of affected communities as well as of the work of human rights defenders and whistle-blowers…[Co-Organised by Friends of the Earth chapters in Europe and ActionAid, ActionAid France, Aitec, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, CIDSE, Ethique sur l'Etiquette, EWNI, FIAN France, Global Justice Now, ITUC, Manitese, Milieudefensie-FoE Netherlands, Nazemi (Czech Republic), Progressio, Sherpa, SOMO, Supply Cha!nge and WemoveEU]