[PDF] The polluting journey – the Cruise Industry [Hong Kong]
The Mariner of the Seas [owned by Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.], which is one of the ten largest cruise ships out there, will arrive…in Hong Kong on June 12…The Mariner of the Seas will dock for 24 hours at the terminal, during which…the engine will continue to work to meet the electricity demands. At present, the cruise ship uses fuel that contains 2.8-3.5% sulfur…Sulfur dioxide emissions harm the human respiratory system and have a great influence on patients with cardiovascular diseases, chronic lung disease and Asthma…280,000 citizens in the nearby…[d]istrict will be forced to face potential health problems brought about by the cruise ship…[W]e believe that RCCL has sufficient financial backing for adopting the more expensive but lower-sulfur (equivalent or lower than 0.5%) content oil that is able to reduce its at-berth pollution by 70%… [Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Royal Caribbean to respond - company's response included]