Visa system forced care workers to stay silent on rape and abuse
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Date Reported: 11 Мар 2024
Местонахождение: Великобритания
Not Reported ( Медицинская помощь ) - EmployerЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: 1
Мигранты и рабочие-иммигранты: ( Number unknown - Африка , Медицинская помощь , Women , Unknown migration status )Темы
Запугивание и угрозы , Изнасилования и сексуальное насилие , Ограничение свободы выраженияОтвет
Response sought: Нет
Принятые меры: The worker attended a rape crisis centre but decided not to go to the police.
Вид источника: News outlet
Краткое изложение
Date Reported: 11 Мар 2024
Местонахождение: Великобритания
Not Reported ( Медицинская помощь ) - EmployerЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: 1
Мигранты и рабочие-иммигранты: ( 1 - Америка , Медицинская помощь , Women , Unknown migration status )Темы
Ограниченная мобильность , Сексуальные домогательства , Нестабильные/неподходящие условия жизни , Ограничение свободы выражения , Запугивание и угрозыОтвет
Response sought: Нет
Вид источника: News outlet
Краткое изложение
Date Reported: 11 Мар 2024
Местонахождение: Великобритания
Not Reported ( Медицинская помощь ) - EmployerЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: 1
Мигранты и рабочие-иммигранты: ( 1 - Гана , Медицинская помощь , Women , Unknown migration status )Темы
Разумное рабочее время и свободное время , Запугивание и угрозыОтвет
Response sought: Нет
Вид источника: News outlet

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The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ), working with Citizens Advice, has gathered the testimonies of almost 175 people working for approximately 80 care providers via the health and care worker visa.
Their stories reveal that the people who make up a vital section of our social care workforce fear raising concerns about labour abuses – in large part because the existing visa system makes them dependent on their employer for their right to stay and work in the UK. And any complaint, even if upheld, can start a ticking clock leaving them with barely two months to avoid the risk of deportation...
Our investigation shows that there are potentially thousands of people trapped in a system which leaves them vulnerable to abuse and threats, powerless to complain, and often losing thousands of pounds. These people are skilled professionals who keep our healthcare services running yet … the best we can sometimes do is help them access a food bank.Kayley Hignell, Citizens Advice interim director of policy
While some of these issues have been raised by campaign groups and in the media, one key factor that came up again and again has received less attention: that workers feel trapped in these situations because their visa arrangements penalise whistleblowing...
About a third (30%) of those who have been mistreated at work said they were scared to raise concerns about their manager or employer because they feared reprisals, including losing their work and visa, and threats to their safety...
Few of the workers who spoke to Citizens Advice or TBIJ said they would be willing to blow the whistle on their sponsor...
Elizabeth Chengeta, managing director of Swan Care Solutions, denied the allegations [of workers being charged fees without being given work or wages], but said she could not comment further as it is an ongoing legal case. She says that the company has multiple offices which have had visits from commissioners, councils and CQC and no concerns about the office have previously been raised....