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Нападение на правозащитника

26 Авг 2021

Fatia Maulidyanti - Commission for the Disappeared and Victim of Violence (KontraS)

Дата инцидента
26 Авг 2021
Точность даты
Все верно
Fatia Maulidyanti
Commission for the Disappeared and Victim of Violence (KontraS)
Группа по правам человека
Судебные иски и нормативные акты
Цель: Физическое лицо
Место происшествия: Индонезия
PT Tobacom Del Mandiri (TDM) (part of Toba Sejahtera Group) Индонезия Горнодобывающая промышленность
PT Toba Bara Sejahtera (TS) Индонезия Пальмовые деревья и масло, Горнодобывающая промышленность, Энергия
Другие участники


Fatia Maulidianti (or Fatia Maulidyanti) an Indonesian woman human rights activist and coordinator of Commission for the Disappeared and Victim of Violence (KontraS). On August 26, 2021, the Indonesian Investment and Maritime Affairs issued a subpoena against Fatia Maulidianti and Lokataru executive director Haris Azhar for the posting of a talk show on Haris Azhar's YouTube channel, concerning alleged slander related to the mining operation issues in Papua province. In the online video, Haris Azhar and Fatia Maulidiyanti discussed the research results of several human rights organizations about the involvement of Indonesian Army officials and retirees behind the gold mining business and their plan to exploit the Blok Wabu area in Intan Jaya, Papua. In the video, the human rights defenders mentioned one of the mining companies involved, PT Tobacom Del Mandiri, a subsidiary of the Toba Sejahtera Group. The subpoena reportedly mentions that in absence of apology, legal actions will follow. The Indonesian Legal Aid Institute Foundation (YLBHI) decries the case filed by the government as it endangers the freedom of expression.

On 6 March 2023, the case file for alleged defamation charges faced by Fatia Maulidiyanti and Haris Azhar was declared complete (a status known as P21 in Indonesia) and handed over to the East Jakarta District Attorney's Office. During the indictment reading in the court hearing on 12 November, Fatia was sentenced to three years and six months in prison alongside a fine of 500,000 rupiah (USD32), and Haris to four years in prison alongside a fine of one million rupiah (USD65). The two defenders were acquitted of defamation charges on 8 January 2024.