abusesaffiliationarrow-downarrow-leftarrow-rightarrow-upattack-typeburgerchevron-downchevron-leftchevron-rightchevron-upClock iconclosedeletedevelopment-povertydiscriminationdollardownloademailenvironmentexternal-linkfacebookfiltergenderglobegroupshealthC4067174-3DD9-4B9E-AD64-284FDAAE6338@1xinformation-outlineinformationinstagraminvestment-trade-globalisationissueslabourlanguagesShapeCombined Shapeline, chart, up, arrow, graphLinkedInlocationmap-pinminusnewsorganisationotheroverviewpluspreviewArtboard 185profilerefreshIconnewssearchsecurityPathStock downStock steadyStock uptagticktooltiptwitteruniversalityweb

Эта страница недоступна на Русский и отображается на English

Эта компания представлена в одном или нескольких трекерах


  • Продукты питания и напитки
  • Франция

  • Ecotone is a private limited multinational company headquartered in France, that specialises in organic and natural food.

От Ресурсного Центра ? This section is a non-exhaustive snapshot of company behaviour recorded by the Resource Centre. We record allegations of abuse, seek company responses, profile lawsuits, and record attacks against Defenders working on business issues.


Запросы на ответ


Нападения на правозащитников


Профили судебных исков





Tea Suppliers Disclosed ? The number of supply chain entities (tea plantations and factories) disclosed.
Indicator last reviewed 29-11-2022

ETP Member ? Is this company a listed member of the Ethical Tea Partnership.

ETI Member ? Is this company a listed member of the Ethical Trading Initiative.

IDH Living Wage Commitment ? Has this company joined the sustainable trade initiative’s living wage call to action.

Топ связанных стран

Ecotone has been referenced in news articles and reports on our website.

Упоминания компании (статьи, отчеты, новости и т.д.)

Штаб-квартира компании

Упоминания компании (статьи, отчеты, новости и т.д.) в конфликтных регионах

Штаб-квартира компании в конфликтных регионах