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Interparfums, Inc.

  • Косметика, Парфюмерия
  • Соединенные Штаты Америки

  • Interparfums, Inc. is a company that develops, manufactures and distributes perfume and cosmetics for multiple brands.

От Ресурсного Центра ? This section is a non-exhaustive snapshot of company behaviour recorded by the Resource Centre. We record allegations of abuse, seek company responses, profile lawsuits, and record attacks against Defenders working on business issues.


Нападения на правозащитников


Профили судебных исков



Истории со связанными запросами на ответы ? We sought responses from Interparfums, Inc. to the allegations raised in these stories. Find out more about our Company Response Mechanism.

Egypt: Perfume companies linked to child labour in jasmine farms; incl. co. responses

Эта история содержит 11 статей

Топ связанных стран

Interparfums, Inc. has been referenced in news articles and reports on our website.

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