A Trade Model That Works for Everyone

Michael D Beckwith on Unsplash
"In today’s world, trade policy influences all areas of public policy, regardless of the form Brexit takes. It means we need the United Kingdom to establish a robust modern, inclusive and democratic governance model to oversee trade policy that has broad legitimacy in society and produces policy priorities that are also a balance of socioeconomic priorities. A modern governance model needs to put a stronger emphasis on consensus building and accountability, to develop trust, and enable decisions to be made in a more inclusive and transparent manner.
This does not mean there will not be compromises during the negotiation process itself but it does mean these compromises are made with full knowledge of stakeholders and with them feeling their contributions are really heard and fully considered to ensure more buy-in to the results. Trust built early on will deliver faster results later in the process. This governance framework is intended to act as a practical tool for national and international policy makers — to guide best practice and help governments deliver on global commitments to ensure trade policy is truly inclusive and fully benefits from the active participation and expertise of all stakeholders..."