The accident of May 14, 2014 in which 6 workers were injured vindicates the position of the People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) that had embarked upon an indefinite hunger strike from January 31, 2014 after 900 days of struggle with five specific demands…[including]…Abandon the KKNPP 3 & 4 projects all together….Order an independent and impartial scientific inquiry into the KKNPP 1 & 2 projects…Share the Site Evaluation Report, Safety Analysis Report, Emergency Preparedness Report, VVER Reactors Performance Report etc. with the local people…Share the full and complete details about the liability arrangements that have been made for the fisherfolks’ and the farmers’ loss of livelihood, and security issues…Withdraw all the 360 false cases that have been foisted on 227,000 men and women.