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Нападение на правозащитника

18 Июн 2021

Adil Belakhdim - Si Cobas

Дата инцидента
18 Июн 2021
Точность даты
Все верно
Adil Belakhdim
Si Cobas
Цель: Физическое лицо
Место происшествия: Италия
Lidl Германия Розничная торговля, Супермаркеты и бакалея Ответ компании
Другие участники


Adil Belakhdim, trade unionist of the workers group Si Cobas, was killed in northern Italy when a truck broke through a picket line outside a supermarket warehouse facility and struck him. About 20 people who work in logistics for the international supermarket chain Lidl were protesting outside the facility when a truck driver trying to leave the facility drove through a line of picketers blocking a gate, reportedly despite orders to stop. Lidl Italia issued a statement expressing condolences to Belakhdim’s family. It said the truck involved was from a third-party supplier and not one of Lidl’s vehicles. News reports note how the company's refusal to allow for protected spaces to protest, as well as the general opposition to peaceful protests, contributed to the deadly incident, and that attacking strikers is common practice.