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30 Июл 2019


Armenia: Explosions carried out in Agarak Copper Molybdenum Combine pose risk of collapse of houses in Kartchevan village

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Explosions carried out in Agarak Mine pose risk of collapse of houses in Kartchevan village, 30 July 2019

The explosions carried out in Agarak copper and molybdenum combine operated by “Agarak Copper and Molybdenum Combine” CJSC resulted in the harm caused to the houses in Kartchevan residential area, Syunik Region: cracks have emerged, there is a risk of collapse...

No one has ever received any compensation or support from the administration of Agarak copper and molybdenum combine. The houses of other Kartchevan residents have also cracked because of the explosions. They also voiced the problem of the village pollution with dust because of the mining operations...The villagers have also suffered from the industrial wastewater flowing out of the area of Agarak combine, which has flows into the cultivated land areas of Kartchevan residents thus polluting the soil, damaging crops and fruit trees...