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1 Апр 2020


Armenia: Locals file lawsuit against Agarak combine demanding compensation for orchards' pollution with industrial wastewater & restoration of their lands

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Kartchevan residents sued Agarak Copper and Molybdenum Combine, 1 April 2020

Simon Khachikyan and Emin Tumanyan,  the residents of Kartchevan Village, Syunik Region, filed a lawsuit to Syunik Region Court of General Jurisdiction against Agarak Copper and Molybdenum Combine. They are demanding compensation for the damage caused in the form of the pollution of their orchards with industrial wastewater coming out of the plant and the restoration of their lands. In her conversation with EcoLur, Plaintiffs' Advocate Mariam Abrahamyan said that they are now for the case examination.

According to the advocate, in connection with the problem they applied to Nature Protection and Mining Inspection Body in 2019. "We were told that based on Article 113 of Water Code, the plant was required to immediately stop the damaging activity until the problem is resolved in accordance with the Code, laying down about the penalties in case the activities don’t stop. They also wrote that the Inspection has no right to calculate the damage caused to a person, proposing to settle the issue in accordance with the procedure established by the civil legislation...