Armenia: Local residents opposing Teghout mine block roads & urge company to stop pollution, incl. co. comments
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Date Reported: 25 Янв 2022
Местонахождение: Армения
VTB Bank - Parent Company , Teghout CJSC - SubsidiaryПроекты
Teghout mining and processing plant - OperationЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
Сообщество: ( Number unknown - Армения , Горнодобывающая промышленность , Gender not reported )Темы
Загрязнение почвы , Чистая, здоровая и устойчивая окружающая средаОтвет
Response sought: Нет
Вид источника: NGO
Protest demonstrators in Teghout to meet with Lori regional head tomorrow, 25 January 2022
...Teghout residents, Lori Region, blocked the road leading to the infrastructure of "Teghout" CJSC demanding that the company solve the problems raised by them.
In particular, the protesters demanded an end to emissions into agricultural lands and the environment, and to provide agricultural land areas to villagers deprived of alternative development opportunities until jobs are created.
The representative of "Teghout" CJSC, who came out to meet with the protesters, hearing about all the problems, responded that the company has no leakage and no emissions...