Bahrain: Report finds migrant workers continue to bear cost of salary non-payments, despite protections
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Date Reported: 13 Окт 2019
Местонахождение: Бахрейн
Ramses Trading Co. - EmployerЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
Мигранты и рабочие-иммигранты: ( Number unknown - Location unknown , Строительство , Gender not reported )Темы
Ограничение свободы выражения , Кража зарплатыОтвет
Response sought: Нет
Принятые меры: The protests were dispersed by riot police.
Вид источника: News outlet
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Date Reported: 13 Окт 2019
Местонахождение: Бахрейн
Sonar Security - EmployerЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: 200
Мигранты и рабочие-иммигранты: ( Number unknown - Бангладеш , Охранные предприятия , Gender not reported ) , Мигранты и рабочие-иммигранты: ( Number unknown - Непал , Охранные предприятия , Gender not reported )Темы
Избиения и насилие , Запугивание и угрозы , Ограничение свободы выражения , Кража зарплаты , Лишение свободыОтвет
Response sought: Yes, by
Принятые меры: On the same day that payment failed, the workers staged a protest march. Some workers alleged being intimidated and assaulted by the owner's son after returning to their accommodation. The police arrested nine workers due to the incident, who were later released without charge. The workers said their cases have been referred to the labour court and their embassies were aware, although they hadn't had much response.
Вид источника: NGO
Краткое изложение
Date Reported: 13 Окт 2019
Местонахождение: Бахрейн
Zone Security - EmployerЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: 200
Мигранты и рабочие-иммигранты: ( Number unknown - Бангладеш , Охранные предприятия , Gender not reported ) , Мигранты и рабочие-иммигранты: ( Number unknown - Непал , Охранные предприятия , Gender not reported )Темы
Ограничение свободы выражения , Кража зарплаты , Лишение свободы , Запугивание и угрозы , Избиения и насилиеОтвет
Response sought: Yes, by NGO
Принятые меры: On the same day that payment failed, the workers staged a protest march. Some workers alleged being intimidated and assaulted by the owner's son after returning to their accomodation. The police arrested nine workers due to the incident, who were later released without charge. The workers said their cases have been referred to the labour court and their embassies were aware, although they hadn't had much response.
Вид источника: NGO
"Non-payment of wages: An issue on the rise for low-income migrant workers in Bahrain," 13 Oct 2019
This report reviews the issue of non-payment of wages that migrant workers in Bahrain increasingly face, and assesses the Bahraini government’s response...
The economic downturn, caused mainly by low oil prices, hit Bahrain’s construction sector hard and exacerbated the already rampant practice of non-payment of wages. Costs and losses are passed on to the most vulnerable – the migrant workers at the end of the supply chain...
Over the past several months, workers from different sectors have staged protests across Bahrain over unpaid-wages and poor working conditions, though only a few of them have received media attention.
[We were unable to find contact information for Ramses Trading Co., one of the named companies, to invite them to respond to the article.]