Blackfire adding threats to injury in Mexico: Canadian mining firm looks to pocket $800 million via NAFTA Ch. 11
Blackfire Exploration…is embroiled in accusations of corruption of Mexican public officials and the murder of a prominent environmental activist in...Chiapas. Now…Blackfire is also threatening to sue the government of Chiapas for $800 million in compensation under NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) Chapter 11 for the closure of its barite mine in December 2009…REMA (the Mexican Network of People Affected by Mining) is demanding that the Mexican Federal Government…expel the company from Mexico for violating fundamental human rights…Canadian organizations are demanding that Blackfire cease and desist in its NAFTA Chapter 11 threats against the government of Chiapas, and that the Canadian government begin a thorough investigation into Blackfire’s activities in Mexico.