Bosnia and Herzegovina: Locals protest against Lykos Balkans mine development over threats to health & environment
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Date Reported: 21 Ноя 2021
Местонахождение: Босния и Герцеговина
Lykos Metals Limited - Parent CompanyПроекты
Sočkovac project - OperationЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
Сообщество: ( Number unknown - Босния и Герцеговина , Горнодобывающая промышленность , Gender not reported )Темы
Чистая, здоровая и устойчивая окружающая среда , Личное здоровье , ПротестыОтвет
Response sought: Yes, by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Вид источника: NGO
[Translation prepared by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]
Announced protest against nickel mining: Stop poisoning Ozren, 21 November 2021
Residents of Petrov na Ozren will hold a protest...due to the intention of the Lykos Balkan Metal company to continue exploring nickel deposits and ultimately build a mine on the site.
Concerned about the health of the population, they also launched a petition "Let's stop the destruction of Ozren and its natural beauty, stop drilling and research for the purpose of mining nickel ore, give your signature for the future of Ozren and its people."
Those gathered against the process of nickel mining say that the government supports the activities of "Lykos Balkans". They claim that the four planned wells will soon be opened, for which platforms and access roads have been prepared. The locals of Sočkovec also hired a lawyer...
...They do not want Ozren and Sočkovac, as natural jewels, to be ecologically destroyed.
They claim that a potential investor plans to open a mine here after the completion of the three-year research, and that the previous activities of the mentioned company have caused damage to them in this area...