Bringing Canadian mining to justice
Canadian mining companies seem to enjoy impunity virtually everywhere that they operate overseas...Canada has abdicated its governance responsibility regarding the overseas activities of the mining sector, refusing to regulate either the companies or the government agencies that support them, or to take legislative action to ensure that non-nationals...are able to seek redress in Canada...The issue of access to remedy for the victims of corporate abuse requires urgent attention. An obvious priority is to strengthen judicial institutions in the countries where abuse takes place. However, it’s also critical that the judiciary in multinationals’ ‘home’ countries, such as Canada, hear cases involving...their companies in foreign countries, especially when the victims lack other viable options. [Refers to Cambior lawsuit re Guyana, Anvil Mining lawsuit re Dem. Rep. of Congo, Copper Mesa lawsuit re Ecuador, HudBay Minerals lawsuits re Guatemala. Also refers to Barrick Gold, TSX (part of TMX Group).]