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26 Апр 2024

LICADHO & Others

Cambodia: Nine NGOs call for re-investigation of murder case of environmental activist Chut Wutty after 12 years of injustice for the family

"Re-open the investigation into the murder of Chut Wutty", 26 April 2024

Today marks 12 years since Chut Wutty was shot dead … Wutty was killed by In Ratana, a military police officer, in … Koh Kong province, while he accompanied two journalists from The Cambodia Daily investigating a forestry crime near a protected area in Phnom Kravanh mountain…

The murder of Wutty and the lack of justice for the past 12 years have had a profound negative impact on the fundamental freedoms of citizens, forest communities and activists, environmental activists, and other lovers of natural resources in protecting and conserving natural resources. Rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution to participate in the protection and conservation of natural resources are increasingly restricted…

On the 12th anniversary of his murder and the lack of justice, … grassroots communities, civil society groups, non-governmental organizations, and unions, reiterate the call to…

  1. Re-open the investigation with an independent commission of inquiry into the murder of Wutty in a transparent, impartial and prompt manner.
    2. The Ministry of Justice should push for the prosecution to investigate the case and bring all those responsible to account before a court of law.
    3. The Ministry of Interior must ensure that the judicial police officers under its supervision conduct a prompt and independent investigation into the case.
    4. The Cambodian government should stop restricting fundamental rights and freedoms and intimidating and judicially harassing grassroots communities, environmental youth, and activists because of their work to protect Cambodia’s forests and natural resources.
    5. Allow the construction of a statue to commemorate and honor a forest hero, to admire his devotion, and to encourage other…
