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29 Мар 2022

Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability,
// Réseau canadien sur la reddition de compte des entreprises (RCRCE)

Canada: Bills introduced in the House of Commons would advance corporate accountability

"Bills Introduced to Protect People and the Planet Warrant All-Party Support," 29 Mar. 2022

Two private Members’ bills introduced in the House of Commons ... would, if passed, help protect people and the planet.

... “Canadian companies have been left unfettered for far too long to profit from their harmful overseas practices,” said Emily Dwyer, Policy Director for the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA). “Ending modern slavery, respecting human rights and protecting the environment are non-partisan issues. These private Members’ bills warrant all-party support.”

... Bill C-262, An Act respecting the corporate responsibility to prevent, address and remedy adverse impacts on human rights occurring in relation to business activities conducted abroad, would require companies to review all their business activities, identify actual and potential risks to people and the planet, take steps to mitigate the risks, and ensure remedy for those harmed. This is called human rights and environmental due diligence.

... Bill C-263, An Act to establish the Office of the Commissioner for Responsible Business Conduct Abroad and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, also tabled today, would invest the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise (CORE) with the powers needed to do its job. Effectively, when the government created CORE, it was in name only. Without powers to order the production of documents and compel witness testimony under oath, the CORE is an ineffective office. Bill C-263 would change that.

Part of the following timelines

Canada explores legislation to eliminate child & forced labour in global supply chains; civil society urges passing comprehensive mHREDD legislation

Canada : Deux projets de loi déposés au Parlement en vue de consacrer le devoir de vigilance des entreprises et assurer son application