Canada: Glencore's workers on strike over alleged labour rights abuses
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Date Reported: 30 Май 2022
Местонахождение: Канада
Glencore - Parent CompanyПроекты
Raglan minesЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
Рабочие: ( Number unknown - Канада - Sector unknown , Gender not reported )Темы
Забастовки и другие остановки работы , Охрана труда и безопасностьОтвет
Response sought: Yes, by BHRRC
Вид источника: NGO
"Glencore workers on strike in Canada", 30 May 2022
"630 members of IndustriALL affiliate Syndicat des Métallos/United Steelworkers are on strike at Glencore’s Raglan mine in Canada over the extensive use of subcontracting and a lack of respect from the employer.
A demand for genuine respect from Glencore is a major issue for the union members, who often work eleven-hour shifts, for 21 consecutive days, at the isolated, fly-in/fly-out nickel mining operations in Nunavik.
The increased use of subcontractors, who work under inferior conditions at Raglan Mine, is another key issue in the labour dispute, and on 27 May, the 630 unionized workers went on strike...
In addition to the shameful use of subcontractors, other stumbling blocks in negotiations include vacations, working conditions and wages. Above all, however, workers are demanding respect from Glencore...
“IndustriALL fully supports the demands of Steelworkers’ local 9449, which resonates with the wider call for respect for workers and their fundamental rights by Glencore mineworkers around the world, including in Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Africa.
“This is a classic race to the bottom, as Glencore races to supply the critical raw minerals for the low carbon energy transition and meet its multiple long-term supplier agreements with a host of downstream customers, including the auto sector.""