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Судебный иск (SLAPP)

24 Мар 2021

Charles Hector


Date lawsuit was filed
24 Мар 2021
Точность даты
Все верно
Charles Hector
Адвокаты и судьи
Судебные иски: SLAPP
Правовые требования: Contempt
Иск подан: Company
Цель: Физическое лицо
Место подачи иска: Малайзия
Место происшествия: Малайзия
Beijing Million Sdn Bhd Малайзия Лесозаготовки и пиломатериалы, Сельское хозяйство/продукты питания/напитки/табачные изделия/рыболовство: Общее Ответ компании
Rosah Timber & Trading Sdn Bhd Малайзия Лесозаготовки и пиломатериалы Ответ компании


Charles Hector faces potential contempt of court charges over a letter he sent to an officer of the Jerantut District Forest Office, as part of trial preparation. He is currently representing eight inhabitants of Kampung Baharu, a village in Jerantut, Pahang, in their civil lawsuit against two logging companies, Beijing Million Sdn Bhd and Rosah Timber & Trading Sdn Bhd. The companies applied for leave to commence contempt of court proceedings against Charles Hector and the defendants. They claim that his letter violates an interlocutory injunction order prohibiting the villagers and their representatives from interfering with or causing nuisance to their work. The eight defendants represented by Hector are from communities affected by potential logging activities in the Jerantut Permanent Forest Reserve. In February 2020, the logging firms accused the defendants of preventing their workers and contractors from accessing and carrying their work in the forest reserve, and for allegedly disseminating false information about them. The defendants have denied these allegations.

The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre contacted Beijing Million and Rosah Timber & Trading company for a response. The companies responded disagreeing with our assessment but declined to provide any further details.