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19 Янв 2015

Fast Retailing,

China: Fast Retailing Takes Action to Improve Working Conditions at its Production Partners in China

... "Respecting human rights and ensuring appropriate working conditions for the workers of our production partners are top priorities for Fast Retailing, and in this we are completely aligned with SACOM," said Yukihiro Nitta, Fast Retailing Group Executive Officer responsible for CSR. "Fast Retailing has urged swift action against the factories on the issues identified in the SACOM report, and we will cooperate fully with them to ensure that improvements are made. Together with third parties, including auditors and NGOs, we will check progress within one month," he added. ... "I once again confirm Fast Retailing's commitment toward ensuring the respect for human rights and continuously improving the working conditions for the workers of our production partners, while at the same time protecting their employment. We look forward to opening a dialogue with SACOM and their partner organizations, so that we may be able to share our action plans directly with them," said Nitta.

Part of the following timelines

China: Uniqlo's suppliers allegedly "risking health & lives of migrant workers with substandard factory conditions"

China: Uniqlo announces steps in wake of report on working conditions in suppliers