Controversial Don Sahong Dam closer to construction (Laos)
[Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited AECOM, Mega First and SMEC to respond. AECOM and SMEC declined to respond. Mega First did not respond - article with company comment provided.] [The Don Sahong] dam has been a matter of controversy for many years, a fact reflected in an open letter to the Lao Government in 2007 signed by 34 scientists…The letter…[points] to the dangers to fish migration through the Khone Falls from construction of a dam. A more readily accessible scientific set of arguments against the dam was prepared by the WorldFish Center…[W]ith the construction of the Don Sahong dam…fresh concerns are being raised about the Mekong's role as a major source of fish for the large population living along the river. [Refers to AECOM, Mega First, SMEC]