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24 Ноя 2013

May Titthara, Phnom Penh Post (Cambodia)

Defamation suits follow NGO report [Cambodia]

Tycoon Try Pheap has filed a defamation complaint against two people quoted in an NGO report released last week that accused him of illegal logging and widespread land grabbing…This is only two days after the Cambodian Human Rights Task Force alleged in a report that Pheap’s land empire, built on government concessions, had expanded to more than 70,000 hectares, displacing at least 1,445 families and facilitating an illegal-logging syndicate…“I fear this summons – because he is rich and powerful. Even though we are in the right, we won’t be able to win this case...” [said Sen San, one of the accused]…[refers to MDS Import Export Company]
