[Original article in Chinese. Title translation, and following summary of the article's key points, provided by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre.]
"Disney Hunter" campaigner Lee Wing-yin estimated that Disneyland Hong Kong receives HK$150 million revenue from 5 million visitors every year. However, the workers in China who make its products do not even get a living wage. An NGO, Students and Scholars against Corporate Misbehavior (SACOM), found out the hourly wage for some workers in Kamlong Industrial in Zhuhai which makes Disney's souvenirs and toys to be as low as 22 US cents. [Kamlong Industrial is also a supplier for Tesco, Kellogg's, YUM!, Wal-mart, Target, Woolworths and First Years (part of RC2)] Overtime can be as high as 100 hours per month. The factory spokesman, Mr Lu, admitted to the excessive overtime yet stressed that workers are given the salary they deserve. SACOM and Disney Hunter will launch a protest against Disney on 10 September at which time a full report of their concerns about Disney's conduct will be provided.