Ecuadorian Attorney General Tells ChevronTexaco Shareholders Remediation Agreement May Be Invalid
The questionable validity of the remediation agreement indemnifying ChevronTexaco could carry implications for the lawsuit and beyond (part three of a multipart article)...Ecuadorian Attorney General Jose Maria Borja..."...told us that remediation agreement had been executed 'in violation of the Constitution,'" [said Leslie Lowe, energy and environment program director at the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility]...Russ Yarrow, manager of external relations for policy, government, and public affairs for ChevronTexaco...[said] "We don't have any evidence that the AG said what he is reported to have said, he hasn't said it to us"..."When we did negotiate the remediation agreement, it was done with the full cooperation and participation of the Ecuadorian government at the time." [also refers to Texaco (part of ChevronTexaco)]