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28 Ноя 2023

ETV Bharat

Five labourers from Jharkand stranded in Saudi Arabia seek Centre's intervention for repatriation

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Five migrant labourers from Hazaribagh, Giridh and Bokaro district were stranded in Saudi Arabia for the last eight months. These labourers have shared videos on social media and sought the intervention of the Indian government in returning to their homeland.

In the video, the labourers stated that they had not received their salaries for the last eight months. Apart from this, they are also in need of food grains. They said that the visa period for all the labourers has also expired...

All these workers had gone to Saudi Arabia on March 28, 2023, to work in Al Murabba Al Hadi Company, but none of the workers received their salary for the last eight months. Because of this, all the workers have been facing food grains shortage and were reportedly starving for food.