Hacked Hikvision cameras allegedly found to expose children's bedrooms and gynecology offices
"Child Pornography On Sale From Hacked Hikvision Cameras Using Current Hik-Connect App", 10 July 2023
Child pornography is being sold online from hacked Hikvision cameras, with criminal sellers using Hikvision's current Hik-Connect app to distribute the pornography. Our investigation found widespread sales offers for nude videos, including "cp" (child porn), "kids room", "family room", "bedroom of a young girl", "gynecological office", and many others.
...Hikvision's Corporate Vice President of Public Affairs Jeffrey He told Hikvision partners that this was a "profoundly disturbing story", emphasizing that it was "our sincerest hope that IPVM.com has fallen for a phony solicitation and that none of its allegations are true" while admitting that "Hikvision has not attempted, nor will it attempt to verify the limited information IPVM.com provided to us."
Hikvision declined to comment on the sufficiency of its efforts to fix the vast number of still vulnerable devices. Hikvision has published various fixes but, as this shows, has not done enough in publicizing or contacting impacted users to stop these types of attacks...[Hikvision stated]..."if any part of IPVM’s reporting is true, Hikvision will enthusiastically assist law enforcement to bring those child predators to justice."...
...This content is being sold and shared, openly, on at least seven public Telegram channels. Telegram told IPVM its moderators are now investigating these channels and says it has "actively moderated harmful content" including "child abuse" since its creation...
...Telegram has terminated the channels marketing this content originally flagged by IPVM...