Indonesia & Japan: NGOs request Marubeni & its group company Musi Hutan Persada to support displaced Cawang Gumilir community; incl. company responses
On 21 June 2021, members from NGOs including Hairul Sobri Eep (WALHI Sumatra Selatan, Executive Director), Junichi Mishiba (FoE Japan, Executive Director), Akira Harada (Japan Tropical Forest Action Network, Director), Toyoyuki Kawakami (Japan Tropical Forest Action Network, Steering Committee member), Takayuki Nakatsuka (Japan Tropical Forest Action Network, Steering Committee member), Natsuko Saeki (Network for Indonesian Democracy, Japan, Secretary-general), Masatoshi Sasaoka (Hokkaido University, Associate Professor) submitted a petition to Japanese company Marubeni and its group company Musi Hutan Persada. The petition urges two companies to support the reconstruction of the livelihoods of the displaced residents of Cawang Gumilir, emphasising their responsibility to the community.
We invited Marubeni and Musi Hutan Persada to provide responses. Both provided their responses as below.