KBR Alleged Rape Trial Begins [USA]
Lawyers for a former…employee of…KBR…argued in…court…that the company had turned a blind eye to sexual harassment, fueling an environment that…led to a rape by a colleague…in Iraq. The attorneys for the plaintiff,… [Ms.] Jones…argued that the company defrauded her by including a mandatory arbitration clause in her employment contract to resolve "employment-related" complaints…[A]ttorneys for the defendants…countered that Ms. Jones…lied about the rape and her medical history…The jury…will not only determine if Ms. Jones was…sexually assaulted; it will also decide whether KBR…defrauded her…by failing to disclose that other women had been sexually assaulted by its employees in Iraq…, and also with the requirement that disputes be resolved through private arbitration….KBR denied the allegations regarding its knowledge of other women who had been sexually…[refers to Halliburton]