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20 Сен 2023

Green Home

Montenegro: Reopening of Brskovo mine poses risks to environment, agriculture & development of tourism in area

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The Brskovo mine and tourism do not go together, 20 September 2023

How useful the mine is for the local community can best be seen on the example of Pljevlja, where we have an active mine. Precisely because of the polluted environment and poor air quality, according to Monstat estimates, around 7,000 residents have left this city in the last ten years.

Mojkovac has been preparing for the development of tourism for a decade, with huge financial resources invested in that area. The reopening of the mine will not only slow down, but will completely prevent the development of tourism and agriculture in this area. A far greater number of people in the municipality can benefit from tourism than from mines...

We also have a warning from UNESCO that it is necessary to assess the impact of this project on Durmitor, which has the status of a UNESCO site..