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Ответ компании

20 Май 2024

Murata Manufacturing

Murata Manufacturing response

...[S]ince 2022, the Murata Group has suspended all business activities (such as exports, sales, and technical support operations) involving Murata’s products in Russia, Belarus, and sanctioned areas of Ukraine and continues to maintain this policy as of May 2024.

The Murata Group has established and maintained export control policies and procedures to comply with the applicable export control and sanctions laws of the countries in which we operate, including but not limited to Japan and the US. Our export control policy does not authorize either direct or indirect transactions to end-users with concerns of illicit military diversions. Please also refer to our statement (English and Japanese).

Additionally, we have requested and instructed that our authorized distribution and sales partners respect our group-wide policies, described above, and cooperate with the prevention of illicit diversions. We have also shared information regarding entities of concern for enhanced due diligence. We are aware and concerned of the risks that Murata products might be subjected to Russia sanctions circumventions in supply chain links beyond resales by our distributors. We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and continue our efforts to enhance due diligence.
