Myanmar: Garment workers at factory report verbal & physical assault
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Date Reported: 6 Май 2024
Местонахождение: Мьянмы
Ace Apparel - SupplierЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: 1000
Рабочие: ( 1000 - Location unknown , Одежда и текстиль , Gender not reported )Темы
Обязательная сверхурочная работа , Охрана труда и безопасность , Увольнение , Избиения и насилие , Харассмент (помимо сексуального) , Гендерная дискриминация , Отказ в отпуске , Кража зарплатыОтвет
Response sought: Нет
Вид источника: News outlet
"If you apply for a job, ask for money; Physical abuse in the workplace", 6 May 2024
...At the ACE APPAREL garment factory...[t]he worker said that some supervisors demanded money from those who applied for work, physically assaulted them in the workplace [and workers] did not receive social security benefits...
The workers said that one of the line managers asked for money when the workers came to work, and was rude and physically abused the workers in the machine line.
"L.B7's manager Daw---- takes money and hires people who need work. Then she gives various reasons and fires them. Not only does she talk rudely to the employees, but she always physically assaults them...if she is not satisfied, she fires the employees..." the worker said...
...he said that they are not getting the social security benefits they are entitled to...and they are being forced to work overtime.
"...if you apply for social security medical leave, you have to pay more than 2,000 per month. If [they] call for overtime in the evening, you will be forced to [go]. If you do not...the line manager will tell you that you will not be able to leave until 4:30 a.m. to 8 p.m "If you don't come down, the manager of the line will ask you to go down,"...
The factory...[operates] with about 1,000 people.
[Translation via Google Translate]