Myanmar: Garment workers face verbal abuse & swearing from supervisors
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Date Reported: 10 Сен 2023
Местонахождение: Мьянмы
Reserved (part of LPP Spółka Akcyjna) - Buyer , Bestseller - Buyer , LPP Spółka Akcyjna - Buyer , Kfine International Garment (Myanmar) - Supplier , ONLY (part of Bestseller) - Buyer , Zara (part of Inditex) - Reported buyer , Inditex - Reported buyerЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: 4
Рабочие: ( 4 - Location unknown - Sector unknown , Gender not reported )Темы
Response sought: Yes, by BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Принятые меры: Kfine International Garment (Myanmar) allegedly supplies to LPP S.A (for its Reserved brand), Inditex (for its ZARA brand), BESTSELLER (for its ONLY brand); All brands provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre. Inditex stated it does not source from the factory.
Вид источника: News outlet
"The supervisors of Bago K fine factory abused the workers", 10 September 2023
The labor supervisor of the Bagu-based K fine garment factory told Myanmar Labor News that...workers are being slandered...
The factory workers say that most of the leaders who oversee the machine lines are swearing at the...workers.
"[They] swear every morning meeting...It's not good to hear early in the morning." said a female worker who was sewing at the factory.
A total of 50 sewing workers and assistants are working on the machine lines, and it is said that before going to work in the morning, they discuss business plans in the form of a meeting.
"...Line 10 Super[visor] will ask a young female worker if she was born to low-class parents and swear...
The workers said that the Super from Line 8 and the Leader from Line 5 cursed subordinate workers violently...
At the Kfine garment factory, most of the workers said that even though the managers saw that the super[visors]s were slandering the workers, they acted as if they didn't know.
K fine Garment forced some pregnant workers out of work. This is a factory that has been complained about for not paying...overtime pay and not appointing probationary workers according to the specified month.
The worker...also said that because there were...complaints, when the township officials of the Ministry of Labor entered and inspected the factory manager, he was not allowed to tell [them] about the factory's violations...
After this inspection, the Ministry of Labor...[said] that there were violations in the K fine factory.
A worker who works in the factory told Myanmar Labor News that after the complaint and investigation, four young female workers in the factory were fired for making complaints about the factory.
The worker said that the factory banned the four women who were fired from working in the next factory.
Kfine International Garment (Myanmar) is Bagu City, City bypass road Awain is located near the Pagoda, and operates with around 1,000 workers.
According to the workers, Bagu Kfine Myanmar Garment can produce more than three million garments a year, mainly producing jackets, but they also sew [for] RESERVED brand...
[Translation via Google Translate]