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16 Мар 2024

Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment workers pressured to sign agreement to work continuously for 20 days to substitute holiday leave

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"H&M brand manufacturing TongYing factory forcing the workers to work 20 days continuously by calling substitute day for Thingyan holidays", 16 March 2024

Workers from TongYing garment factory...said that the factory force[d] them to work [in] substitute for the Thingyan holidays on Sunday by pressurizing them to sign an agreement...which makes them...work 20 days continuously without [a day] off...

They refuse to sign the agreement but the all super[visors] force them in various ways. The...super[visor] lied [and said] that every one ha[d] signed except them and force[d] them...

The workers said that they told the factory that they would work half day on Saturday without taking overtime wages instead of working on Sunday but the factory doesn’t accept.

...TONG YING HK (garment) factory is manufacturing H&M brand apparels with more than 5,000 workforce for several years.

[Translation via Myanmar Labour News]