Myanmar: Garment workers reportedly face 'discrimination' if they refuse to work overtime
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Date Reported: 26 Ноя 2023
Местонахождение: Мьянмы
Lon John International - SupplierЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: 600
Рабочие: ( Number unknown - Location unknown , Одежда и текстиль , Gender not reported )Темы
Отказ в отпуске , Кража зарплаты , Чрезмерные производственные планы , Харассмент (помимо сексуального) , Гендерная дискриминация , Обязательная сверхурочная работа , Увольнение , Охрана труда и безопасностьОтвет
Response sought: Нет
Вид источника: News outlet
"Lon John International workers say they are fired and discriminated against if they refuse to work overtime", 26 November 2023
The Lon John International...factory opened in the Yangon Region [and] has about 600 workers...the workers say that there are violations of labor rights in the current workplace, and they want to solve it.
The worker said that due to the fact that they do not receive the legal benefits that every worker is entitled to in the workplace, whether it is due to health or an emergency, the daily allowance has been reduced from 40,000 to 50,000 kyats.
"If you miss a day of work due to illness or other emergency reasons, [your wage] will be cut 40,000 to 50,000. Each worker's bonus is different, so the cut is different. There is no trade union to discuss and negotiate for the workers," said the worker.
In the workplace, the [factory is] asking for 100 pieces of cloth per hour, and it is difficult to meet the [target]. If the [target] is not met, the super[visor]s and leaders shout and demand the record.
"...They call for overtime on Sundays, such as public holidays. There are workers who do not go to work for various reasons. Those who [don't come in] are fired. Those who are not fired are called to [work] the next day. They are not asked to work. It's a form of punishment..."...
The workers said that since there are more than 600 workers in the workplace, there are not enough seats during the meal break, so they want to make it convenient for them to sit on the floor and eat...
The workers [state] that those who shout rudely are violating the rights of the law...
[Translation via Google Translate]